E: sbge@istanbulbuklet.com
P: 206-281-2970
O: McKenna Hall

Faculty Profile

Faculty Headshot

Dan Hess

Professor Emeritus of Business

Email: dhess@istanbulbuklet.com

Education: BA, Wheaton College, 1971; MBA, University of Washington, 1975; PhD, University of Arizona, 1982. At SPU 1977–2019. Emeritus since 2019.

Dan Hess teaches courses in corporate finance and investments. In addition to teaching, he is active in research and has authored numerous articles in areas such as the international equity markets, religiosity and financial decision, and the practice of teaching finance.

Dr. Hess is a member of the Financial Management Association and the Academy of Finance Education. He has served on various faculty committees at SPU including Faculty Status, Faculty Affairs, and Faculty Council. 

Selected Publications

  • "Interest Rate Elasticity of Capitalization Rates," Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 13, October 2012.
  • "The Impact of Religiosity on Personal Financial Decisions," The Journal of Religion and Society, Vol. 14, 2012.
  • "University Endowment Investment Returns: The Impact of Institutional Size," Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2011.
  • "Ethical Behavior and Corporate Financial Performance," Business Management Review, Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2007.

Please view Dr. Hess’ CV (PDF) for additional publications.

Personal Links

Dr. Hess’ website

Dan Hess

Why I Teach at SPU

Dan Hess, Professor of Finance

"I enjoy teaching at SPU because it allows me to delve into a field I love and impart this knowledge and interact with students who are interested in not only the finance subject but also the ethical and moral aspects of the world of business and finance. I also enjoy teaching here because I can do research that is both intellectually stimulating and ethically based."